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The 100th Anniversary Kankakee Nursery Catalog!
All of us here at Kankakee Nursery are elated to share with you our 2025 100th Anniversary Catalog. This piece holds a very special place in our hearts, as we have aimed to blend the story of 100 years of history with our outlook of today and vision for the future. We hope you use it (like always) as a helpful plant guide/design tool, but we also hope you enjoy diving into all of the old pieces of Kankakee Nursery past.
Whether you've bought plants from us for 1 year, closer to 100, or if you haven't bought from us at all, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to help supply your plant needs in 2025. A sincere thank you to all of you who have helped us get here (you know who you are!)
The Kankakee Nursery Family
Want to join our mailing list? Email us at sales@kankakeenursery.com and we'll get one fresh 100th Anniversary catalog in the mail right away and a new one sent to your door each year thereafter!
Trying Kankakee plants for the first time? Please fill out our New Customer Form.
You can also apply for a credit account, access our Nursery Certificate and more using the links below!
Here are a few of our favorite catalog covers over our 90+ year history! Click the cover to view the full image.